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Khmer_Information from the Immigration Bureau 3

【Notice】Please note this information is old and may not be correct any more.

入国管理局からのお知らせ 3 (カンボジア語)

Khmer_nyuukoku 3(PDF)

Khmer_Information from the Immigration Bureau 2

【Notice】Please note this information is old and may not be correct any more.

入国管理局からのお知らせ 2 (カンボジア語)

Khmer_nyuukoku 2(PDF)

Khmer_Notice from the Immigration Bureau regarding the Great Tohoku/Kanto Earthquake

【Notice】Please note this information is old and may not be correct any more.

東北関東大震災に関する入管局からのお知らせ 1 (カンボジア語)

Khmer_nyuukoku 1(PDF)

Khmer_Basic facts regarding radiation exposure resulting from the nuclear plant accident - Part 5 Khmer

【Notice】Please note this information is old and may not be correct any more.

放射線被ばくに関する基礎知識 5 (カンボジア語)
Basic facts regarding radiation exposure resulting from the nuclear plant accident - Part 5


Khmer_Basic facts regarding radiation exposure resulting from the nuclear plant accident - Part 4

【Notice】Please note this information is old and may not be correct any more.

放射線被ばくに関する基礎知識 4 (カンボジア語)

Basic facts regarding radiation exposure resulting from the nuclear plant accident - Part 4

Khmer_Basic facts regarding radiation exposure resulting from the nuclear plant accident - Part 3

【Notice】Please note this information is old and may not be correct any more.

放射線被ばくに関する基礎知識 3 (カンボジア語)

Basic facts regarding radiation exposure resulting from the nuclear plant accident - Part 3


Khmer_Basic facts regarding radiation exposure resulting from the nuclear plant accident - Part 2

【Notice】Please note this information is old and may not be correct any more.

放射線被ばくに関する基礎知識 2 英語 (カンボジア語)

Basic facts regarding radiation exposure resulting from the nuclear plant accident - Part 2

Khmer_Basic knowledge about radioactivity concerning damages incurred on nuclear power plant

【Notice】Please note this information is old and may not be correct any more.

原子力発電所被害に関する放射能分野の基礎知識 (カンボジア語)
(放射線被ばくに関する基礎知識 1)
Basic knowledge about radioactivity concerning damages incurred on nuclear power plant
